My favourite time of the month is when i walk into
Shiseido's office to collect new products from Sherry my Ettusais nanny!
Yay, LIMITED EDITION loots this time round!
Sherry handed me this cute gift box
which screams "JELLY BEAN PARTY!!! Do-It-Yourself Kit" on the labels.
Mad cute, wonder what is it!!! :3

Cute stuff! Everything i need for a DIY nails session at home!

It's summertime afterall! Totally in the holiday mood.
Just got back from my Tioman dive trip and i'm going to genting/KL next month!
Tioman was AWESOME! I'm SO tanned right now.
It's been so long since i got a tan. hahaha
Really sad i didnt have more time there. )":
Blog about it sooooon!
Time to chill out by the pool and do some cutesy nail arts!
Look at the GAZILLION designs
you can create with Ettusais Vacances Nail Colour!
(Click to enlarge)

If you saw me on June's Cleo,
i did the rainbow striped nail art for the cleo shoot!
2nd row, 3rd design!
You can create colourful dots.. striking strips..
classy french or funky motifs with Ettusais Vacances Nail Colour.

Love the limited edition ones,
it comes in so many funky colours & it's only $4 per pop!
It's like so affordable you can get many different colours
and change your nail art every 2 days. lol.

It contains jojoba oil to condition your nails,
and some of the shades are scented!
Has coconut flavor etc.. super yummy!
Always start with clean nails, shape a buff your nails..

i used 2 coats of polish shade: F3
and applied glitter shade: 15 only on the tips of the nail,
and apply another layer to blend the nail polish & glitter to create the gradient look.
Very very simple & pretty! :3
It dries so quickly and has a smooth finish.
One of the NEWEST NAIL PRODUCT this summeeeeeeeer!
Ettusais introduced it's very own gel top coat!

Like who doesn't love supppppppppppper glossy & gel like nails right.
But not everyone has the luxury to sit at a nail salon
for 2 hours to do their gel nails what!
Honestly for me, i'm just too restless to sit there and wait for 2 hours
and my nails always look like crap after i remove my gel nails etc.
look damn horrible and weak.
So on the plus side of using gel top coat,
you don't need UV light and it dries really quickly!
- no waste of time for lazy, restless people like me!

Has jojoba to condition your nails,
it's really awesome cos even now after i remove
the Vacances nail polish + gel top coat,
my nails are still very hard, which is NEVER the case lah!
Apply 2 thick coat of Ettusais gel top coat after your nail polish dries!

Love it. Oh btw, it's only $22 for a bottle.
Here's the colour chart of the Vacances Nail 2010!

Hi, just wondering does the ettusais gel top coat really turn out like gel nails?
Or it is easily removed by nail polish remover?
After reading the аboѵе ԁrug
аddісtiоn statistiсѕ, cοnsidеr thе numbеr οf pеople thаt ԁο nοt
аԁmit to theіr addіctiοnѕ or drug use becаuse οf embaггasѕmеnt.
This ԁοeѕ not includе thе adԁіtionаl 15 bіlliοn spent on medical cost.
Јune 26 iѕ celebrateԁ aѕ Intегnational Dаy againѕt dгug abuse and Illіcіt Trаfficking
every уeaг. Τheу try tο come up with thе highly effectіѵe progrаms to contrоl this life infecting dіѕеаse.
Young adults are able to gain сonfidence іn themselves when they arе givеn uѕеful
roleѕ in the cοmmunity. In 1975 theгe
were 30,000 drug аuditоrs, and thе number іncreasеԁ frοm 300,000 in 1986 to 361,000 in 2000.
Some ѕouгcеs of unсonfiгmed DEA news reveаled that
thеse US teens take to drug aԁԁiction
onlу tο thгill their friends аnd crοwd
and to ρoѕe as a hero. It iѕ verу іmpoгtant for a fаmily to estаblіsh Fаmіly Boundaries.
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my website > about drug abuse
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